Kamis, 22 April 2010

Orange and Clementine

- Taken at 3:32 PM on April 22, 2010 - uploaded by ShoZu

My pocket cloth diaper now is 8 pcs, n 3 of them are in this picture! Yep, orange n clementine, almost in the same color :D

Yang paling atas tuh Fuzzi Buns, n in the middle is GG, trus yang paling bawah tuh the latest clodinya Westpa, the famous Bumgenius 3.0!!

FuzziBuns n GG hampir sama ya warnanya, oren genjreng gitu, sementara Bumgenius tuh soft orange lebih ke arah kuning (they name it "Clementine").

Honestly im glad that Clementine Bumgenius is not so orange! Karena pas kemarin mau beli BG, kebetulan warna tinggal Ribbit, Clementine n Zinnia. Zinnia jelas dicoret, ga mau ah pakein Westpa clodi warna pink :P

Trus binun antara Ribbit n Clementine, tp finally pilih ke Clementine. Good choice! Karena aku baru order Blueberry Minky Emerald alias ijo!! Hihihi :D

Hari ini baru mau nyobain si Bumgenius, mau liat performa salah satu top brand cloth diaper di dunia. Review di diaperpin.com sih mostly bagus. But lets see if it fits and works well in Westpa :D

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